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The word only known by Nikola TESla

'Oi fam u wanna do some weed?'
'Tes blud, when u up for it?'
'What is Tes?'
'Dunno fam.'

by weedmasta69 January 16, 2017


Tes: the best, one of the nicest, most amazing, coolest people ever

joe: hey who's that
me: oh that's just my friend tes

joe: damn he's so good looking
me: he's amazing i love him :)

by somthingnoregrettabl December 30, 2022


A Tes is a person who has a obsession with their friends, They will put 100% effort into every friendship they create and May come off as a stalker if not controlled with boundaries

"Hey, Jacob is starting to be to annoy me now, he's become a bit of a Tes"

"I wish i had a Tes of my own."

by Dr.Red June 5, 2020


Created once by a big headed Hong Kong war hero named TesJai.
This word means nothing , but everything......


by 麗萍之吻 December 13, 2020


Created once by a Big headed Hong Kong go’s of war called TesJai
The word means nothing, but anything.....

Tes la
Diu 你好Tes

by 麗萍之吻 December 13, 2020


Someone who is the best, one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, they're always there for you, and they're amazing.
Thank them for everything and give them a hug if possible :)

Joe: hey who's your friend
Me: oh this is just my tes friend
Joe: wow i wanna be friends with him too

by cadydydydydy December 30, 2022




by ashsgfdhd November 23, 2021