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Long Thang

Popular slang for a singular Banana.

“‘Scuse me sir could you pass me one of them Long Thangs?”

by TheCoolMansUniform January 28, 2024

dbang thang

A major field thrown in the mobile GPS game Ingress to effectively alter the current running score between the opposing teams of the Resistance and the Enlightened. Equivalent to a touchdown in Football.

“I threw that dbang thang for a million MU (mind units) with 15 layers

by snarf22 January 30, 2018

kap thang

Probably one of the most loyal and trustworthy friend you can have.

That guy “Kap Thang” over there helped me out w all ma shi

by onb4LWS August 11, 2022

That G-thang

;an object of any description given to be handed over or passed to the person asking for it,... bcuz whatever the object might be is too far for the person to reach and get there self.

Hey, can you pass me that.?"
"Pass you what"
"That G-thang right there"

by ItsMeCeeDuh July 29, 2022

Fillimon thang

A Asian Burmese dude with a small cock but don’t underestimate him, he can pull any girls including your mom!!

I will Fillimon thang your mom tonight.

I will make you shout Fillimon thang hard.

by Yourmomjeff November 22, 2021

ride that thang like the fourth of july

when something/someone is bad asf and u just need to ride them like it’s the fourth of july. it’s all you can think about

did you see that biker go past us?? i would ride that thang like the fourth of july!!!!

by ohhhitspaige May 4, 2024

fat thang

a fat ass person

he is a fat thang

by bobiskooler than you November 11, 2020