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british accent

Better labeled as an "English accent", it is the hottest thing ever.
iEnglish/i accent is just TOO gorgeous: maximises chances of a girl swooning at your first words.
Upper class accent "I'm at Oxford" accent is the best one.
With an English accent like that, even an idiot can sound like the smartest most gorgeous man alive.

"Oh wow! Your boyfriend's a Brit?"
"He's got an British accent!"
"Shit! I love him already!"

by FranzMerlin January 22, 2006

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british accent

A term often used by people in North America to describe the middle class or Recieved Pronounciation accent featured on American television and cinema. Its used by the sorts of people who represent Britain abroad in the UK like Tony Blair or Hugh Grant.

This accent is probably spoken by a small minority of Britons, and whenever the topic of British accents comes up theres always somebody from outside the south of England who praises the accents of the Midlands or the North, however these accents have no credibility outside their own regions and everybody knows it.

Context in American cullture:
The 'bad guy' in American entertainment very often has a british accent like the X Men villain played by Ian McKellan or many of the characters portrayed by Anthony Hopkins. In recent years however, this accent has been seen by American girls as 'cute' when sported by persons like Jude Law, Orlando Bloom or Kiera Knightly. Since this culture emerged it has been exploited endlessly by lonely British private school boys who wish to use their accents to get laid, most notably seen in Love Actually where the character Colin ends up in bed with Elisha Cuthbert and other American girls.

1. Oh my god Orlando Bloom has a cute British Accent he is soooo cool.

2. He has a british accent he says "warta" instead of "wadder"

by Winston_fist June 26, 2005

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British Pound

The Currency used in Britain. Pounds sterling. Made up pounds (ยฃ) and pence (p). There are 100 pennies to the pound. The actual currency (the coins and notes) go up in 1,2,5 up to ยฃ50 notes (apparently there are ยฃ100 notes but you never see them, and most shops wouldn't accept it cos they never see it so it could be faked). Most the money has a picture of the queen on, but you can also find darwin, adam smith, elgar etc.
1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, ยฃ1, ยฃ2, (that's all the coins).
ยฃ5, ยฃ10, ยฃ20 (that's the notes).

Definitely not monopoly money, because it is worth twice the dollar!

I bought a bottle of vodka for ยฃ5!
Apparently if you draw on the queen on the note, it counts as treason.
The British Pound as we know it was introduced in 1971

by JosephOMG August 18, 2007

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British Petroleum

Former name of BP, p.l.c. The name "British Petroleum" remains in use because "BP" is useless for internet searches. Third largest oil company in the world, by sales (behind Exxon Mobile and Royal Dutch Shell; in 2009, these were $246.1 billion.

BP is the largest oil and gas producer in the US.

Lessor of Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. On 20 April 2010, a fire and explosion on the Deepwater Horizon killed eleven crew members and was followed by a blowout, during which perhaps four million barrels of crude oil were poured into the ecologically sensitive area.

Company was founded in 1909 by William Knox D'Arcy as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC), and used its ties with the hapless Qejar Dynasty ruling Iran.

In 1925, Reza Khan (formerly an employee of APOC) had himself proclaimed Shah; his ascendancy from commoner to emperor was stimulated by Iran popular anger at the way APOC was pumping billions of pounds from Iran's land to the Exchequer of the UK, while a ridiculously small amount went to Iran itself. Shah Reza promised to revise the agreement with APOC, but after 7 years of negotiating with the company, got nothing more than a name change (to Anglo-Iranian).

In 1951, Prime Minister Muhammad Mussadegh nationalize the company's assets in Iran. On behalf of AIOC, MI-5 and the CIA staged a coup d'etat that ousted the democratically elected Prime Minister in favor of absolute dictatorship by the Shah (1953).

Until 1997, British Petroleum was part of an industry-wide consortium that funded climate change "skepticism."

Although it is financially and legally unrelated to the British government, BP has historically been treated by the British FCO as if it were an arm of the state.

by Primus Intra Pares July 16, 2010

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Very British

The quality of acting like a stereotypical Brit.

This may include:

holding incredibly old-fashioned and reactionary views

a fear of change, the unknown or leftist politics

excessive stiffening of the upper lip

extreme examples of caution (caused by the fear of the unknown)

overuse of the terms sorry, please and thankyou

probably being white, middle-class and male

finding youths distasteful

being modest to the point of irritating

- I didn't apply for the job; I probably wouldn't have got it anyway
-How very British of you!

-Look at those youths, in their hoodies, walking down the streets, with their mobile phones. Disgraceful.
-Stop being so very British about it!

-Damn lefties, trying to give votes to the plebs again
-How very NOT British of them.

by I'm very British March 23, 2011

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British Friday

every Friday, which is spent conversing in a British accent and partaking in British mannerisms. Especially using British terms like, "bloody brilliant", "quite nice actually" and "wanker". Also drink tea and eat krumpets. (make Jessie J and Johnny Depp proud!)

1.(On a friday, said in a British Accent) "Happy British Fridayyy!"
2. Sam: "It's Friday, friday, bloody British Fridayyy!"

by gypsyy April 20, 2011

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British museum

A museum located in Britain that gets most of its artifacts by stealing them from other contents.

The only reason the pyramids are in Egypt still is because the British museum wasnโ€™t big enough to fit them

by I eat hamsters September 12, 2022