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chat sniff

Chat sniff

Chat sniff, a word commonly used by the big Haw, is also interchangeable with the phrases, gigachad and poo sniff

by Krisso stole your misso October 18, 2023

unconditional chat

Conversations that last forever.

Only Aoif and Rois can unconditional chat because best friends

by rororododododood February 28, 2014

Chat Nest

A formation of pillows and blankets one builds in their bed as a base from which to conduct night time web chats.

Luke settled into his chat nest for a night of swapping pirate tales with his old shipmates.

by Matt (from the chat nest) December 21, 2008

chat mute

When everything you say in a group chat is ignored.

Jay: You mean nobody commented on your product idea at all?

Joe: Yeah, I must have been on chat mute.

by Lunarrover March 5, 2013

Chat Blocked

When your in a chatroom having cyber-sex and someone enters and ruins the "mood".

I was tottaly having CS with Kittygirl9464 but hotmanforchicks67 freaken came in and chat blocked me.

by Alix McQ August 17, 2008

Chat Jacker

1. A person who interupts a conversation , either real life chat or on a computer and takes over the conversation thus killing the former convo thread and turning the attention of those interupted to the interupter.

2. Any one who takes a funny picture , thread joke ect from some one and posts it claiming it for there own before the original owner can post it.

Guy 1 " Hey man I was watching Tv last night and cought this show , the walking dead have you ever seen it?"

Guy 2 "No but i heard it S---"

Chat Jacker "Omg I saw a TV show on whales last night !! whales are epic blah blah blah!!!"

Guy 1 and 2 "Bro we been chat jacked

by Kdashfirestarter March 20, 2012

chat bait

When a streamer does something in hopes of getting a reaction out of chat

Streamer: 'accidentally' talks while mic is muted


Wise Man: chat bait