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Sexy mother funker with A huge coc

Hes A mattis

by Sisuene March 14, 2022


Mattis is a person that dosen't care about people. He is lonly all the time and takes it out on his students and he does not like to help in any way.

Student: hey, can you help me?
Teacher: no, i am not aloud to help
Student: Oh, your such a Mattis

by May 5, 2021


Matti is a guy who genuinely cares about others and their needs. He is always there to help someone out if they need it. Matti may be hard to read and seems to be a “flirt”, but in the end he just wants to help everyone. Matti tends to be a very attractive person and loves to play sports. He enjoys spending time with friends and can often times be found listening to country music. Matti is all around a great guy and his personality is one to top.

Did you see Matti talking to that girl?

Matti is really supportive and has helped me through a lot.

by yeah we get it February 19, 2019


This nigga is a fucking legend one of the best names and definitely better than Mattis

Matti gets all the girls

by Nooblicker69 November 21, 2021


Hot bitch ass wigga, he has everything you need in life. A long cock is very normal for a Matti.

Der boy der g sick wie Leukämie, Matti hat so viel Euphorie. ~ pineapple the fruit dude

by Pineapple the fruit Dude November 20, 2021

Harrison Mattis

10/10 sex. But loves himself to much to ever love you. London bait so he thinks his the shit

. A very handsome mixed male.

Me: omg have you seen Harrison Mattis. He’s so sexy

Friend: yeah but his to prestige !

by Ahbdndjd May 31, 2020

Harrison Mattis

10/10 sex. But loves himself to much to ever love you. London bait so he thinks his the shit. A very handsome mixed race male. Could get away with being about 20 and his name gives off white people vibes.

Me: omg have you seen Harrison Mattis.

Friend: yeah but his to prestige !

by Ahbdndjd May 31, 2020