Source Code

Phil Collins

To pause, during sex, and beat out the "In the Air Tonight" drum fill on your partner's ass.

Guy 1 - "So, how'd last night go?"
Guy 2 - "As it turns out, she was pretty boring in bed. I had to stop and Phil Collins her to pump myself up."
Guy 1 - "Too bad. At least she looks good."

by DCK September 13, 2012

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phil white

cute and adorable, but not fluffy. his vegan-ness is beyond cool and his running 45 times like a little hampster is awesome. diet cherry coke is his love.

Phil White, the cutest person alive

by spicy sandwich March 16, 2005

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Dan and Phil

Dan Howell and Phil Lester are the best people on Earth and if any one says different they are going to die a sad death one day. They will never know the happiness that Dan and Phil have created for people all around the world. That includes themselves. They're happy because they like to entertain. Them bieng happy makes us Phannies happy.

Person one: Hey. Do you watch Dan and Phil?
Person 1: Lets be friends.

by Anonymous_Phan July 10, 2019

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phil kay

Phil kay is a massive pedophile who loves children of which are younger than himself - and I mean *much* younger than himself, we don't quite know his sexuality, is he gay, lesbian, or straight, I guess we will never know. But one thing we do know is that he thinks he is strong. He tenses his six pack like nothing else - thinking that it is from all of the sit-ups he has done - but of course it is not, it is because he is a skinny bastard and has a six pack because he doesn't have a gram of fat on his body

Phil kay is weak and thinks he is strong, he has no sexuality

by I_speak_nothing_but_the_truth December 5, 2019

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Phil Swift

why we are all still here.

man, Phil Swift helps me sleep at night.

by sc movies September 3, 2018

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Sly Phil

A tactical snooze siesta in the afternoon.

It's gonna be a late one tonight, I'm off for a sly Phil!

by Pierre Van Hairgone August 23, 2012

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dr phil

A syndicated psychologist with his own TV show on daytime television. Enjoys telling others to lose weight when he is quite guilty of the same allegation as well.

kriptik, a local frequenter of Undernet is obsessed with this man and will stop at nothing to spread his name.

<Varter> kriptik!
<kriptik> fucking shut your hole
<kriptik> this isn't #drphil
<Varter> HAHAHA

by Varter April 20, 2004

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