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(Noun) someone who will do anything for pussy, a member of a group regarded as uncivilized or relentless for fuckery

You see this man last night ? This savage must be an RP nigga.

by Wingsauce January 2, 2015

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(Noun) someone who will do anything for pussy, a member of a group regarded as uncivilized or relentless for fuckery

You see this man last night ? This savage must be an RP nigga.

by Wingsauce January 2, 2015

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1 {adjective}: An act that is either cool or hardcore, going beyond the normal scope of the given situation.

2 {noun}: A person who often displays savage behavior according to the above definition

1: "Did you hear what he said to him? That was savage..."

2: "God james is savage."

by mr moses February 23, 2016

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Matti May Cruikshank

β€œOmg, you’re such a savage like what matti Cruikshank is”

β€œOmg thanks bro”

by Savage’s best friend July 28, 2018

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Wild and causing havoc. Not giving a Fuck ready to beat anyone's ass. Usually the baddest mfker in the bar. Mostly goes by the name of Justin.

Don't make Justin go savage on your ass!

by jorwow September 3, 2017

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word used by james kennedy alot

he got hurt thats savage

by James Kennedy February 3, 2004

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like a savage- u do something cool-or sumthin cool happens

like if u chug somebeer and yur friend goes-dude that wuz savage, or dude yur a savage

by k. November 12, 2003

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