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1 hour of silence occasionally broken by the first 4 notes of Megalovania

iti is just literally 1 hour of nothingness then broken by the first 4 notes of megalovania (the sans bossfight song)

1 hour of silence occasionally broken by the first 4 notes of Megalovania

by immymooon June 21, 2022

Fadio silence

When your super drunk friend doesn’t respond to your texts but is active in social media

Hey man what’s up? (No response, but comments on post at the same time)

Fadio silence

by Mmach August 5, 2018

Child Of Silence

Someone who rambles to themselves on Twitter for no reason.

Jim: Man, Janet is such a Child Of Silence.
Jerry: Of course she is.

by Child Of Silence October 23, 2020


You probably know the si unit of sound (decibel) but what is the si unit of silence? Pat Cummins.

Ask Pajeets for more info.


Pajeets, The Gobar Putras, The Jaanwar Bhakts, The Gaw maata worshippers, The Cow Dung eaters.

by HUMAYUN. December 10, 2024

Silence her lamb

When you want to get some from the old ladie and she says she is going to have a shower. So you wait outside the bathroom while she is showering so she can't hear Jerking off and when she opens the door she gets a load.

The old ladie was being a bitch the other day so I had to silence her lamb

by Tizang March 26, 2021

Food silence

When food arrives at the table, and no one talks for several moments because they're eating

It got kind of awkward for Tom and Becky because of the prolonged food silence at Olive Garden.

by cardboard pineapple April 23, 2015

The silencer

When you're fucking a deaf chick, take one hearing aid and shove it down her throat so you cant hear her wookie noises. Then you take off your dirty sock and shove it in her mouth. After fucking her, put her other hearing aid up her pussy and send her on her way, and as she walks, her cunt whistles with every step.

I once fucked a deaf chick, and she sounded like chewie from star wars. I wish now, I had given her the silencer.

I went soft immediately, did my belt up, and put it in reverse .

by Deedav August 5, 2021