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Traffic Baddie

Tra-Ffic Bad-die

Variants: Traffic Baddy

plural Traffic Baddies


1. You’re super comfy being as confident as possible, even when you know you’re straight wrong #DieOnThisHill

2. You mean what you say - Even though you have to do it through a fake account, you mean it. #ISaidIt

3. You empower others to be upset that you are upset about being stopped for breaking traffic law #HearMeOutFriends

Mya being a Traffic Baddie again, she doesn’t believe in any laws but the constitution. #MyEmployees

Jeff just got upset that the police stopped another reckless drunk driver so he’s making vague threats in Facebook Messenger, he’s such a TB. #IHopeYou…

by CCSDPDTraffic July 24, 2023

baddie no shoes

baddie no shoes is the opposite of a goodie two shoes, they do bad things at bad times.

look at that baddie no shoes over there! she just robbed a bank! HA HA HA😈😈

by baddie no shoes July 12, 2019

Baddie Gang

The Baddie Gang is a group of cool baddies and the leaders are Ms. Baddie and Ms. Queen. They’re all really really cool and they have their own school and government.

The Baddie Gang has 1.8 billion followers on their TikTok!!!

by @baddiefrfrgr November 13, 2023

badminton baddie

a badminton baddie is a girl who doesn't like sports so she tries out for the badminton team and accidentally makes it . typically asian, all the boys like her.

Did you see that new girl on our team? she's totally a badminton baddie.

by arthoe April 20, 2018

Baddie Waffle

A phrase similar to saying someone is “cute” or “good-looking,” often used to say a person looks nice

Hey, you look like a baddie waffle today!

by panda123meowkittymeow January 23, 2025

10/10 Baddie

A girl named Shukrije Zeqiri, also known a Shukzz, Shukrije G, Princess and cutie with a booty.

Other pronunciations of this word include:
'Pengting', 'beautiful', 'pretty', 'jamaican-me crazy', and 'sweatpantshairtiedchillinwithnomakeuponthatswhenyourethebestestijusthope'thatyoudonttakeitwrong

Guy: "Yo who's that 10/10 baddie over there?"
Other guy: "duhh that's shukrije obvs, the baddest and only 10/10 baddie ever"

by Mastermighty May 20, 2021

1👍 7👎

purr baddie queen

The Baddiest Baddie in town. She is so good that she could smash you to smithereens. She should be praised at all times. UwU

You are a purr baddie queen

Who is this?????

by Bee Baddie August 1, 2022