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Salmon Flaps

Salmon Flaps are the fishy Flaps that you must spread, if you dare, to enter her fishy love hole.

This phrase is commonly used when describing a skip holed whore who doesn't wash properly. The smell, when she opens her legs can make a man faint if he goes down on her. Even when wearing jeans she is often told to 'CLOSE YOUR LEGS LOVE!'.


This phrase can be used in many circumstances, but this is the most common.

Person 1: Did you fuck Steph last night?
Person 2: Yeah mate, I fucked that whore good, but her Salmon Flaps nearly ate me whole. Boy was she smelly! Like a Salmon.

by Dead-Kitty October 3, 2007

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smoked salmon

For the Northwest area smoked salmon refers to weed. When the person wants to be discreet such as at work, or in conversation. In other places smoked turkey would suffice

I want some of that delicious smoked salmon. You got any smoked salmon I just ran out. My buddy wants some fish wanna come over and have a fish fry? I need an oz. of smoked salmon. I think I ate to much salmon im wasted!

by TH3WOLFE July 22, 2009

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salmon berries

and dried liquids (vaginal secretions,man sauce, urine, sweat etc) that have dried in the female pubic hair. The first cousin of the dingle berry.

"Her Salmon berries have the consistency of milk duds and the taste of dead fish."

by Dr. Rich Gibson March 27, 2005

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Salmon Snatch

A woman whos pussy smells like tuna that has been left out in the sun for eight hours, or more. It occurs from the lack of hygene, and the fact that she has had at least five loads of jizz pumped in her daily, since sixth grade.

Kris MillSPAWN has the nastiest Salmon Snatch I have ever sniffed. 200 gallons of bleach and perfume could not get that to smell halfway decent. Has she ever though about cleaning it out every 3000 miles?? My god-what a nasty ho.

by J.R. Cahoon June 28, 2004

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Salmon Run

A shot of tequila, immediately followed by a double-shot of V8 juice, followed by a small glass of orange juice. Drink in rapid succession.

When you do a salmon run, the V8 and orange juice mask the unpleasant aftertaste of the tequila.

by big_fisch July 13, 2011

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awkward salmon

Originated in the Hudson Valley, New York.

The akward salmon is another member of the awkward animal clan. It is probably one of the funniest ones out there.

During an akward silence, it works just like the awkward turtle to relieve tension.

You put one hand flat and then slap the other hand onto the flat one alternating back-front-back-front etc, to look like a fish slapping on the floor of a boat.

The sound is the best part.

So...last night I walked into my grandma and grandpa gettin' frisky.


Uhh....AWKWARD SALMON *slapslapslapslapslapslap*

by The Awkward Expert November 19, 2007

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Sad Salmon

The most depressed fish that can ever exist. Its diet consists on Shak-zabs and Shakiballs. This bad boi can fit alot of gay in it. When you eat it, you have a slight chance of contracting the big gey. This certain type of salmon can fly out of the water by shitting itself.

Ur mom sad salmon

by Rathew91 September 19, 2018

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