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A sex position in which a man puts his erect penis in the middle of a woman's forhead and ejaculates.

It can also be the act of drooping a limp penis over the forehead of a woman fom either behind or the front of her face.

Hey, what did you do yesterday?
Oh, I unicorned a few chicks back at my house.

by Period5LunchTable October 26, 2010

6πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


(adj.) A term used to describe anyone who is exceptionally naive, especially in their comments, lifestyle, and contacts with other people.

(n.) A person that lacks a real world perspective and wears rose colored goggles; someone that prances around and sees only rainbows, fairies, and gumdrops; A term used to describe most college freshman.

Anna told some of her friends today that she thinks Kyle likes her because he studied with her over the weekend. How unicorn is that?

Just met some of the incoming freshman class. This time tomorrow we are going to be up to our armpits in unicorns!

She is such a unicorn! Last night she came to the apartment and yelled "Hey guys!" When she walked in. Then she started dancing around the room twirling and singing.

-Do you think she will be there tonight? I had better wear my lucky boxers in case she wants to talk to me.
-Dude, quit acting like a unicorn.

by Tarsicius936 November 1, 2011

6πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Someone who tells crazy stories about when they were drunk or partying, but nobody actually sees them partying ever.

A kid who tries to make himself look like a god by telling crazy stories that are complete bullshit.

Someone who talks themselves up to fuck mad bitches, but nobody sees them hook up with anyone.

Unicorn- dude when I was with my boys, their so crazy, we got arrested for pissing on some guys porch, we were so drunk, i remember everything. I hooked up with an Asian chick, i was wasted.

You- this kid is so full of shit, hes a fucking unicorn

by Dillallo95 March 29, 2010

5πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A unicorn is someone who knows they're magical and isn't afraid to show it ; made popular from the show "Glee" when it was said by Brittany to Kurt

β€œWhen a pony does a good deed, he gets a horn and he becomes a unicorn and poops out cotton candy until he forgets he's magical and then his horn falls off. And black unicorns, they become zebras."

"A unicorn is someone who knows they're magical and isn't afraid to show it.”

by lovesong13 November 13, 2011

8πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


v. the act of a person crapping on their partner's forehead and getting it the stick. One can also test balance by prancing around the room.

My girfriend when I unicorned her. Brownie points.

by Bob20 February 15, 2005

8πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Don't call it a horse; it's a unicorn. It's mythical, magical mysterious, not plain. It has wings like a pegasus and a nice white coat. It grants wishes and prances inthe rain. It came around in 8000 BC. Noah's ark wasn't built b4 it. Do you think its not real? Full house; it's in the background fool. Eating grass all day; partying all night. It'll grant your wish right before your eyes. They hide in your hills and eat all your apples. They also write the facts on youur Snapples. You can thank them later for that.

Person 1:
Hey! Look at that Unicorn!
Person 2:
Hey, where's my apple?

by ;3; April 13, 2011

9πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


1. An animal that kicks ass.
2. I rhinocerous. That's right. I just crushed your dreams.
3. An extremely malformed smiley face.

awesome person 1: <:D
awesome person 2:...is that a unicorn?

by ....:D July 25, 2010

6πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž