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Guys and girls that vape

dickheads and need to get a life (they are just acting hard)

your are a guys and girls that vape

by theÅKARPguy May 10, 2017

Vape Nation Station

When you take a huge rip off your vape then Blow it into your girls ass and then fuck her until the vape cloud starts coming out of her ass then yell “sick clouds bro”

“Dude, My girl finally let me take her to the old vape nation station

by CharlesTheFourth February 14, 2019

Amish moon vape

A vape hand crafted buy an Amish person with the flavor of amish moon butter

Pass the Amish moon vape dawgggg

by The goons fan boy July 17, 2023

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School vape girl

A girl that vapes in middle school and tries to act ghetto. Is in everyone’s business and doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up. Also has fake friends.

The school vape girl has vapes let’s go in the restroom in and vape with her

by Choke maquok January 13, 2022

vape naysh y'all

A mating call, used by internally oppressed, beautiful bald guys to attract females known as the Hila Kleiners, reffering to the well-known practice of "vaping", that is used to heal cancer.

"Vape Naysh Y'all"
Synonym of:
"Hey, can you bring me the baby wipes?"

by no buckets used January 20, 2018

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Slip n Vape

When you bend down leap frog style and start croaking while your partner shoves a juul in your ass.

Hey bro you gotta slip n vape this mango juul pod bro you’ll totally get buzzed

by PickleChinkAss April 29, 2019

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Vape ass bitch

This means someone who has no substance or class; vapid

You vape ass bitch don’t mean nothin to me.

by TrockRufett November 27, 2017

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