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Vsco girl

A random girl with a scrunchie white vans and of course a hydro flask

Basic vsco girl with her lovely asthetic

by Yeet_or_be_yeeted August 14, 2019

6👍 3👎

vsco girl

a person defined by what materials/brands they have/use/make. basically someone VERY basic. usually a girl who tries very hard to become popular

omg shes such a vsco girl

by truthhurtsbro26 July 23, 2019

7👍 4👎

VSCO Friday

VSCO Friday is we’re all girls have to dress like a VSCO Girl and Boys have to have a Scrunchie on his wrist all day from there crush or girlfriend only on Fridays

Cady and Emily had an oversized shirt with leggings underneath with a “hydro flask” and slides on with Scrunchies on there wrist and a shell necklace and a metal straw because it was VSCO FRIDAY.
Sammy and William have a scunchie on there wrist from there crush only because it was VSCO FRIDAY

by Windy Hill Middle School Event September 3, 2019

3👍 1👎

vsco hoe

an annoying vsco girl who thinks they’re cool because they have a lot of guy friends, which they flirt with all of them making them have big dick energy, which ruins the male race and makes the female race look like clowns🤡

ew look at that vsco hoe talking to him, makes me feel bad

by bruh004 October 2, 2019

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Dumb blonde white girls with scrunchies on their arms, hydro flasks covered with stickers, only cares about saving the turtles and gets triggered when they see a plastic straw, CONSTANTLY REPEATS "sksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksks and I oop and I pop sksksksksksksksksksksks save the turtles sksksksksksksksk!"

Normal person: *uses a plastic straw*

by bitch I’m gay October 18, 2019

3👍 1👎

Vsco girl

A girl who wears oversized t shirts (especially tie die shirts) with Nike or Adidas shorts, or wears tube tops with jean shorts with a puka shell necklace and can NEVER leave without their Hydroflask thats decorated with stickers and friendship bracelets.

They often use their Mario Bedescu facial spray, Vsco girls wear white Crocs or Birkenstocks or White vans

They also can never leave without their scrunchie and wear a messy bun, whenever they drop their Hydroflask they say "And i oop sksksk".

And Vsco girls always have Vsco sleepovers where they sleep in their big trampoline with their hydro flasks and make friendship bracelets or they sleep in a mini pool thats on top of a swimming pool. Vsco girls forget that Vsco is an app not a personality, they will get mad at you if you don't bring your hydro flask to the vsco sleepover or if you dont use a metal straw.

Omg Rebecca is such a Vsco Girl she HAS to bring her hydro flask everyday.

by smellslikehoespirit August 14, 2019

3👍 1👎


A VSCO-girl has a large selection of scrunchies, vans, metal straws, Birkenstock’s, lip balm (Burt’s bees, others), puma shell necklaces/ chokers, kanken backpacks, pura vida bracelets, wildflower phone cases, Polaroid cameras, oversized tee shirts, crocs with charms, hydroflask with stickers, homemade friendship bracelets, and the vsco app.
People usually think they say, “and I oop-“ or, “sksksksk” but they rarely say it unless people want them to, or they are REALLY vsco.

Person 1,”She has so many things, I think she’s too much of a VSCO-girl!”

by Divine101 September 20, 2019

3👍 1👎