Source Code

Windows 11

The reason why people want to switch back to Windows 10, 7, XP, or 2000

Ad: Hey, your windows 10 pc gonna die, switch to windows 11!
Person: PC: let's go back to Windows 2000, but I mod it.

by jrStudiosofficial July 17, 2022

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Windows Upfuckingdate

When the Windows Update is very slow, for example when a security update of 1.8 MB is downloading in one hour.

John: What's going on Jim? Why are you looking at the computer so long?
Jim: I'w waiting for the Windows Upfuckingdate to complete.

by Gaboantsa August 30, 2014

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Sexy Window

a) The period of attractiveness that occurs between your first drink and when you've had one too many. Characterized by confidence, humor and an easy manner.

b) A particularly attractive hole in a wall, often glazed with glass or plastic.

"Have I got drunk face?

Yeah, your sexy window is definitely closed, man"

"You'll notice that that the end of the corridor of this Classical period building has a particularly sexy window"

by pseudopete January 26, 2009

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Windows 8

The only operating system that makes Windows Vista seem good. It is just a desktop operating system derived from a cell phone operating system. It may be somewhat fast, but that's because it can't do anything.


by F-Windows-8 February 9, 2012

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Windows Fista

Windows Fista's slogan: The ow stats now.

Windows Fista, the ow starts now.

by sciurus February 21, 2008

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Windows ME

I wish I could get Windows 2000 but unfortunately I am stuck with this crappy OS until further notice.

Action: MSN Messenger is currently unavailable.
Reaction: Crash

Action: Internet Explorer as caused an error.
Reaction: Freeze everything. Crash

Action: Windows ME starts up
Reaction: Crash

Action: Hit 'Enter' key
Reaction: Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Error. Blue Screen. Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Screen turns black. Crash.

by Bastardized Bottomburp September 20, 2003

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windows xp

a computer that works fine. i have it and it never crashes. its awesome. just watch out for BSOD.
I once got a virus but it went away when i got AVG.
To some people, some people say ''windows xp is stupid'', well they should upgrade to Windows 7.

Windows XP user: my computer never crashes.
Mac OS X user: watch out for the BSOD!
Linux user: what he said!

by u2dvdbono September 7, 2010

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