A crappy knock off of Led Zeppelin. Fans of this band generally love Led Zeppelin, but Zeppelin fans hate this band. Also known as Greta Van Fleet.
Person 1: Have you heard the new Greta Van Zeppelin Album?
Person 2: Yeah! It sucks!
A vagina that is very loose (implied: from frequent usage).
Alexa has done so many guys, she must have a zeppelin hangar by now!
A shitty Led Zeppelin's compilation album full of unreleased songs which almost all of them suck ass released in 1982 it is often considered to be one of the worst Led Zeppelin's albums
Coda- Led Zeppelin's album
A fat skinhead, male or female, that is even larger than a blimp.
Why did the crew think that the fuselage of the airplane was a good spot for the zeppelin to park her fat ass? If the zeppelin started to maneuver around, how was the crew going to keep themselves and the other passengers from getting chopped up to bits by the propellors? Good thing the guy with balls of steel or titanium alloy was there for the zeppelin to keep it from exploding or deflating, he must've been at least part robot.
A skinhead with a longer build than a blimp (someone a little shorter and fat) that might require a larger propellor to maneuver.
Does this broad think she can park her zeppelin ass next to this 98 pound heartless person trying to listen to his/her precious headphones and laugh at and call anyone like her that sits next to him/her a smelly fatty? What is this world coming to? Is this 98 pound person going to let the zeppelin get away with that?
Is a gay homo ....
But loves his friends so much and treats them like a brother/sister ... Zeppelin is so cool but weird at the same time ... Go find your self a zeppelin
Zeppelin sounds such like a cool person to hang out with where do i find one..
The best person you’ll ever meet. He’s funny, he’s kind, he’s so lovable.
He deserves the best of the best.
He’s so talented. HE PLAYS MUSIC! HE’S A MUSIC KID! THAT’S SO COOL!! Not to mention he’s super good.
Zeppelin’s just about one of the most attractive people you’ll meet too (he thinks otherwise, he’s completely wrong). Like his hair is GORGUS and his style is so unique and cool. You know what else is cool? ZEPPELIN!
I love Zeppelin <3
Person one (gay guy): hey who’s that hottie?
Person two (also gay guy): Uh that’s Zeppelin. You don’t know him? I tried getting with him like a week ago… but I think he’s straight.
Person one: ain’t no way a straight guy has THAT much style. I’m gonna give it a go.
Person two: okaaay..