i hate you (not real name btw)
i hate you alexis- alec 2023 (not real name)
Alexi is a free spirited woman who loves hard. She is the most beautiful and spunky person you will ever meet and sticks to her beliefs whole heartedly. Don't let her short stature mislead you though, her heart it that of a giant. If you ever have the pleasure of being loved by her you will want for nothing more. Alexi will make you feel as if you are the only person in the world who matters. She will shower you in affection and treat you like a king.
Hey man I think I'm falling for alexi.
Really, how do you know?
She's perfect and everything I have ever dreamed for.
Oh man you better not let her go.
Thanks, I wont.
Alexi is the most down to earth human being alive. There is nothing that alexi can not do when she sets her mind to it. Alexi is one beautiful bad bitch an you better not call her "Alexis" if you plan on living. In the off chance that you ever meet this unicorn of a woman you better have tacobell I'm hand.
Alexis’s are the rare type of people that bring out the very best in people. They are some of the greatest people that you’ll ever meet because of the fact that they can serve as so many different roles. While everyone has their flaws, in terms of the role of a friend they are relatively perfect because of the fact that they put others needs and thoughts ahead of their well being and mental health. Whether it be someone struggling with a math test or helping a romance set sail, Alexis’s always will be able to accommodate and support them, resulting in their relative “perfection.” Corresponding to that however Alexis’s greatest flaw ends up in her devotion to those around her. She very often lets herself leave the role of THE friend and be purely herself resulting in stress, pain, insecurities, and raw emotions becoming suppressed. Other than being the perfect friend, it’s exceedingly difficult to get to know an Alexis because of the fact that they are incredibly shy. Even though they have the mental capacity to hold any conversation or the raw emotion and passion for a certain topic, they never express themselves due to their fear of judgement and conflict
Dont be an alexis kevin, man up
Alexis, were do I get started she is just amazing. Alexis will make you smile when your sad no madder what. she is an amazing person and she doesn’t care what people think of her. She is out going always active and is gorgeous she will take your breath away when you look at her for a second. She has a halariouse laugh and she will just blow your mind when you see what this one girl can do. She can dance and cheer and do many amazing things. She always has a crush. Alexis is kind smart sweet and mind blowing you up oils never realize how lucky you are to have her in you life until you and her get into a fight.
Alexis is just amazing her name practically shows it her name is almost as beautiful as she is.
A person that is not a girl, looking for a definition of their name, disappointed that they only find definitions about girls.
“This Alexis is not a Woman.”
Alexis is the best and most amazing people you will ever meet she is beautiful and sweet. If you see her you will want. To be her friend she is super cool and will literally do anything. If you meet someone special then it must be an Alexis. Gotta live an Alexis . If you don’t have an Alexis in your life then how can you be happy?
Hey Alexis you are amazing and awesome. Become my friend !!