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Cake Bakes

“Cake Bakes” is referring to cannabis edibles.

-Bruh, you got a cake bake? Bet.

-Can I snag some cake bakes from you?

-Let’s do a cake bake and play some Fortnite. Lte.

-I do not condone the use of cake bakes.

by Kikay August 26, 2019

A dig in the bake

A northern Irish slang word for a punch in the face

Stranger: pushes Gerald out the queue
Gerald: 'I'll give you a dig in the bake if you're not careful'

by Bigpenisman478901234567890 December 9, 2016

Bake that Snake

To get high off of a joint or a blunt. Snake=joint/blunt

Damn yo, We funna bake that snake tonight.

by YouaSnake September 27, 2009

Baked Jelly

Dried up Vasoline that you find around the rim of your asshole.

Watch Out! I think she's got baked jelly up there, don't toss anything yet.

by sumolucy24 July 15, 2008

Baking Soggy

When you have sexual intercourse with a loaf of bread

I got fired from the bakery for baking soggy on the job

by bluffuwu April 11, 2022

Bake and bang

To get baked and then have sex

Yo bitch lets bake and bang or hey let's bake and bang

by Words layer June 10, 2015


When a small, easy-to-operate oven used with kids or small baking makes it even harder to make anything.

Parent: "Hey, honey, I thought you said you were going to make cookies for the bake-sale. What happened?"

Girl: "Oh, yeah. My mom wouldn't let me use the oven, so I had to use my Crazy-Bake to try to make the cookies. The cookies practically turned into rocks."

This is an example of a conversation involving a Crazy-Bake.

by MissyMutilation December 7, 2010