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Acts of sexual nature done while other people are in the room but are preoccupied with other things (Watching a movie, playing a game, etc.)

Person 1- Did you hear about Nigel and Raoul yesterday?

Person 2- Yeah, oh my god those two really need to stop mavericking so much or I won't be able to watch movies with my friends in peace anymore.

by GreyJay January 16, 2023

Maverick Cheats

A faggot who leeches off other creators for their own personal gain.

Wow we all really hate maverick cheats.

by uNKNOWNWNWNWNWN January 5, 2018

Maverick Cheats

Also known as GTA Online self ban, it's a cheat not only is skidded it'll also get you banned and ofc gather information it doesn't need and send it to my senpai, Maverick.

-Oh boi someone stole mah betcoins.
- Did you use mavershit?
- Yeah I did.
- Then yeah he stole your betcoins.

Kiddos Maverick Cheats is bad

by The skid punisher January 7, 2018

The Maverick Effect

When someone dislikes a particular group or organization but idolizes someone within it.

The Church of Scientology is a crock of shit! Oh, before I forget... did you see Top Gun: Maverick? Such an awesome movie, I love Tom Cruise!

Uh, Cruise is the poster boy of Scientology, you have a serious case of The Maverick Effect!

by itsallfeta January 25, 2023