When you do 8 hours of work in 20 minutes much like President Joe signing executive orders.
"Don't mess with that nurse. She's on a Biden Blitz"
"That teacher went on a Biden Blitz and graded 100 assignments before 8am."
"It smells strongly of lemon citrus in here. Someone must have gone on a Biden Blitz disinfecting this whole place"
"I'm so far behind. I'm gonna need to chug an energy drink and pull a Biden Blitz tomorrow morning"
song. Hilarious parody of “Putting on the Ritz” often sung at celebrations of the end of the ill-advised brief Uklear war.
Play “Putin on the Blitz-krieg” with your few remaining fingers.
An indescribable feeling that is triggered whenever you interact with something related to a large franchise, like a video game series, a tv shows, etc. When hit with this feeling, you gain a sudden urge to finish all the games in a series or watch all of the episodes in a tv show. This feeling is usually paired with nostalgia, excitedness, and other positive emotions.
Person 1: Why did he decide to suddenly play and finish all of the Pokèmon games in one week?
Person 2: He got hit with "Fan Blitz" after watching one let's play.
A sexual move involving 2 males pouring blueberry jam over their bodies and giving each other an anal blitz.
Hey, it's Friday night. You know what that means. Let's bust out the jam and do a Blueberry Blitz
A game where only the rich prosper even though its made in a Russian country which makes it capitalist
james: hey i think you should play world of tanks blitz
John:U wot m8???
A really quick run to a store for forgotten supplies, especially for a party.
People are about to start arriving, but I need somebody to make a blitz stop to the supermarket for beer and ice.