illegal mexican hopping the us border between the us and mexico
person 1 : hey border hopper
mexican person: vete a la mierda perra
A beaner who jumped the border to get a job in the US.
Sbe: Yo you a border hopper right?
jroo: yea ima a border hopping, taco munching, bean eating, construction working, lawnmowing beaner.
Someone who is really good at aiming in a video game.
Your so good at aiming my little Mexican border sniper.
A border is a mexicain lad that escaped to America.
You stupid border upper go back to Mexico you Mexican drug dealer.
A fella of Spanish decent who crosses the boarder illegally.
Oh look, it’s a border coon climbing the wall!
an ugly black person that is also a illegal hispanic
Friend: Look at that border nigga
Me: You can find a lot of em at home depot
when two gay men put their penises next to each over creating a border
me and chuck where bordering sooo much last night man