Accurate and alternative name for Mexican migrants. Specifically those who crossed the US-Mexican border in some manner, legal or otherwise.
Gawd Damn! Look at all them Border Ricans! Gotta be at least 3 dozen in the river over there.
1 the untouched wild, where you're alone at the mercy of the vile land 2 a hunter's landscape, the fall lands. (Compare to The Last Border). The term is coined by the founder of Deeprespecting Philosophy, Jonas Sandison.
He was at the mercy of the violent land, when he left. It was the far border where he was, belonged to his own vibe of the wilderness.
The act of setting boundaries against something/someone.
The Furry and Anti-Furry communities made it admitted to drawing borders against each other so that way, no disaster occurs.
The act of setting boundaries against something/someone.
The Furriy-And Anti-Furry communities made a deal with each other to drawing borders
against each other.
when a car full of illeagles crosses the border illeaglly.
that van was riding so low it obviously was yet another border boatload.
Trumps dream for the mexican border.
Trump: We need to build a wall.
Everyone else: man trumps border wall is fucking stupid