Someone who is really good at aiming in a video game.
Your so good at aiming my little Mexican border sniper.
A border is a mexicain lad that escaped to America.
You stupid border upper go back to Mexico you Mexican drug dealer.
A fella of Spanish decent who crosses the boarder illegally.
Oh look, it’s a border coon climbing the wall!
an ugly black person that is also a illegal hispanic
Friend: Look at that border nigga
Me: You can find a lot of em at home depot
when two gay men put their penises next to each over creating a border
me and chuck where bordering sooo much last night man
Michelle asked, "are you going to hop the border" while looking me seductively and grabbing her coochie.
1 the untouched wild, where you're alone at the mercy of the vile land 2 a hunter's landscape, the fall lands. (Compare to The Last Border). The term is coined by the founder of Deeprespecting Philosophy, Jonas Sandison.
He was at the mercy of the violent land, when he left. It was the far border where he was, belonged to his own vibe of the wilderness.