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Another word for fighting

Yo Mier bub me dh

by lilstakup February 4, 2022


is she calls you dis she def tryna smash ong

hey bub wyd???

by picklehotdogs July 15, 2021


my gf that is stupid but yet can still be so cute and so perfect

bub i love you

by dr jiggle\ September 21, 2020


A term that people in the urban areas of Philadelphia use as a substitute for fight.

Person 1: I’m tryn bub, so wassup?
Person 3: He not gon hop in the bub w you

by Ijustbebored February 13, 2022


Another word for fight , fighting

Fuck you wanna bub?”
“Was they bubbing

by Lei benji November 2, 2022


bub is slang for “fight

Franklin-you tryna bub?
Shakira- girl shut up
Lamir:Yooo Franklin & Shakira finna bub

by Ya_girlpoop January 13, 2023


To fight, or want to fight someone or something.

“Yo bro wildin, he must wanna bub
Go head yb you not tryin to Bub
“YOOOO they bubbin
“Bub me then”

by Zaifrmphilly December 27, 2022