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Fucking cheers mate

A way to say thank you in a good manner

Guy - "I just cleaned your car for free."

Me - " Fucking Cheers Mate!"

by BornProdigy July 23, 2016

Fucking cheers mate

A way to say thank you in a good manner

Guy - "I just cleaned your car for free."

Me - " Fucking Cheers Mate!"

by BornProdigy July 23, 2016

Cheering on people's deaths

Is no different than advocating for the death penalty.

Hym "Cheering on people's deaths is proof that you ALSO want your political enemies dead. Why is it that you think advocating for it is worse? I mean, if you're like Frankie over there, you don't just want them to die but you want them to live a miserable life and die in disgrace and you want YOU to be directly responsible for them having to love a miserable life. Which is just a slower and more sadistic way of killing someone. You're just a big of piece of shit as they are. Don't delude yourself. Rest in piss? Remember that? You're only not advocating for their death to escape liability. And no other reason"

by Hym Iam June 5, 2024

selective cheering

When you don't like one or more players on your favourite sports team and cheer for everyone but them.

Even though I'm a diehard Flames fan, I've been doing some selective cheering since we got Stajan.

by ohlgirl November 12, 2010

Cheers doyle

When someone is talking doyleish.

(See Doyleish term)

You let them finish and thank them.

"Cheers Doyle"

"Hey did you know (Random jibberish)?"

Cheers Doyle!

by Urbanthing October 27, 2022

coastal xtreme cheer

a team that beats with one heart, team is filled with fun loving cheerleaders they are known for great tumblers and jumps.

did you hear coastal xtreme cheer is going to worlds again

by cheergrl80674567890 July 14, 2009

Feel Good Cheer

When someone who sucks at sports gets a good play, and everyone on their team goes crazy about it to make them feel good. Usually occurs when the person who sucks is on the team and the people don't want him to be. For example, in Physical Education.

Man, I hate it when someone who sucks gets a feel good cheer, why not just tell them they suck and let them hit good when they hit good.

by t12j19c95 June 9, 2009