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toenail collecting

toenail collecting is obviously the most fun activity through your day, if you've never bitten off a toenail and stashed it away in a jar, you are not normal.

My favorite thing to do is toenail collecting

by pissBrow's November 13, 2022


A derogatory label for a person who prizes industry certifications above knowledge and capability.

Often such a person will set about collecting as many certifications as they can and proudly display them in their email signature and social network profiles. Typically they have a shallow understanding of areas in which they are certified, and are unable to display significant independent reasoning or understanding in those areas.

May also refer to the act of obtaining an industry certification.

Also known as "pokemon accreditation"; Gotta catch 'em all!

1. "I've interviewed five job applicants and every one of them is a collect-a-cert."

2. "I'm going to have to go 'collect-a-cert' to qualify for the next pay bracket"

by qwak May 10, 2013

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the bottom of the page, i made this because the other ones didnt have 2025 in them

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by PB95 February 19, 2025

Collective Narcissism

And the fucked up part about it is in the beginning I said it was "Collective Narcissism." Didn't I? Yes. Yes I did. I would talk about it all of the time. You're 5 years behind and I'm still not getting credit.

Hym "Isn't that wild that I can actually say that 'A lot of our problem is a form of Collective Narcissism.' Look at that!"

Iam "That was me..."

Hym "Great job me!"

Dr. Jeepjorp "You're one of the narcissists."

Iam "Aw, hey! It's Dr Jeep..."

Hym "So are you shit-ass! 'They are who we thought they were!'~That one guy. That is hilarious! And what do I get? You guys are handling this all wrong my guy. Not to piss in your bed or anything. I don't think I could live your life better than you. It's the other way around. You can't blame me for watching the game and seeing a fumbles. I should call you guy team fumbles. A man ahead of his time. The ultimate innate psychoanalysts prowess. I just wish I could see the looks on your faces when you realize I'm right about some of this shit. I can't even image."

by Hym Iam September 14, 2022

The Neegin Collection or The Neegin Experience

this happens when a lot of people have a certain hero and named after him or legally change their name to them and may even share the same birthday and have the same features like skin color and height or description. and it could be for many reasons like their greatest role model, or the person name gives them protection against attackers, or they really love the name more than they own and the original such a good day: that he don't mind either. for an example the name John Smith is so vast and plentiful all around the world and it's counter part Jane Smith for female. it's really great experience hearing all the great stories on how it unfolds so specially for each person and always more is added indirectly and independently it's not a conspiracy or anything like that. purely coincidence probably the only one too.

The Neegin Collection or The Neegin Experience is something most people wouldn't care about learning because it's so mundane but to the few who loves to adventure or explore it's a nice little side quest or side adventure.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 7, 2022

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A stupid idiot.

Oh, Have you seen jerry? He's a © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ® adshelpprivacyterms of servicedmcaaccessibility statementreport a buginformation collection noticedata subject access request

by SuperMarioGalaxy173 February 5, 2024

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by Shrek the Justin January 5, 2024

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