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Collins clause

The phenomenon where one friend tends to contract a wide range of diseases.

Brian sure has that Collins Clause. In addition to his diabetes, MS, and micropenis I just heard he caught Leprosy.

by Princess BraidsaLot February 27, 2023

lily collins

Lily Jane Collins is an English-American actress, model, writer and producer. She is the daughter of English musician Phil Collins and American Jill Tavelman. She was born in Surrey and moved to Los Angeles as a child. Her first screen role was at the age of two in the BBC series Growing Pains. Born: 18 March 1989 (age 31 years), Guildford, United Kingdom
Height: 1,65 m
TV shows: Emily in Paris, Les Misérables, The Last Tycoon, Growing Pains
Parents: Phil Collins, Jill Tavelman.
Lily is the most beautiful, most sweetest, most perfect celebrity ever!

Lily Collins is beautiful ❤️

by Girlthatlovescookies October 14, 2020

Nathan collins

If you know a person called nathan Collins he is probably incredibly gay and is more than likely ginger, when online he randomly turns into a road man at different points in time.

Nathan Collins is a gay guy.

by jack Kennedy May 24, 2020

Collin Muffy

A Collin Muffy is a person rated on a scale from lamon to muffy, they are most likely muffy and not lamon.

This kid is a Collin Muffy !
exapmle 2: Bro that one kid is a muffy

by Mrs. Flanigan September 23, 2020

Joanna Collin

A Joanna Collin is a type of bitch that is most commonly found in posh areas and lots of mummy and daddy’s money. They tend to stare at others and do not get on with their rival breed Erin Morrison. To catch a wild Joanna Collin you will need to flap money around or tell a joke and she is sure to come and get the money or tell you why your joke is incorrect. But be warned her stare has turned many to stone.

“Joanna Collin is starting at me”
“Joanna Collin took my money
“Joanna Collin is clingy

by ThePedoPolice May 5, 2021

Isaac Collins

Isaac. The best person in the world. He is smart. He is handsome. He is shy. He will only talk if he is spoken to.

yo bro
yk who isaac Collins is?
oh yea he so cool

by Aniya Ann Carter November 23, 2021

olly collins

Better than chuck norris

olly collins: im here
*chuck norris dies*

by zangomuncher November 25, 2010