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Water cow

Water cow is a cow in a boat, owned by pewdiepie . pewdiepie also owns a sheep named water sheep. they are both from a minecraft letsplay

Pewdiepie:thanks for the delicious milk
Water cow:mooo

by Yoergen July 14, 2019

cow call

The opposite of a cat call. Making a moo noise at a person you find unattractive. Generally disrespectful.

* driving past a large woman *
Jeff: "moooooooooo"
Rob: "did you just cow call her? that's not cool"

by SpidermanSucks August 10, 2019

cow cooter

It's in the name.{a big cooter

That hurt my cow cooter!

by cow cooter April 8, 2019


Cow-lying, a term used for the action of cows lying down before it rains. The cows know the rain is coming, some would say due to falling pressures, but the truth is the cows are psychic and lie down to protect their patch of grass, their terrotory. This is food that they keep dry to eat after the rain has stopped as they think wet grass is yucky. Many people know that when a cow is lying down, they are simply just tired, or rain is coming.

Brian: "Cows are lying down, must be knackered"
Brendra: "No, they're 'cow-lying' its going to rain.."

by Ginguuuurrr August 19, 2010

Imp cow

A term that refers to goats.

I've seen an imp cow that was walking down the road

by Funny squid August 20, 2021

couch cow

A person who comes to your house just to watch tv. She or he will hide the remote to where you can't find it. Theay will also eat all of your food.

My cousion Patience is a couch cow

by Mime-X_x August 11, 2007

Beefie the Cow

Beefie the cow was the biggest cow and animal to ever walk the earth. He was bigger than most mountains. He was so big that all of the meat products today come from Beefie himself.

Beefie was married to Bessie the cow, who was almost as big as him. All the dairy products in the world come from Bessie. Eventually they had a child, and named him Befesie the cow. This cow, according to prophecy,will one day consume the universe, protecting all living creatures inside it.

Beefie, Bessie and Befesie are in fact the only real cows ever to live. All other cows are robots made by the government.

Many people still worship the great Beefie, Bessie and Befessie today.

Child: Mom, where does beef come from?
Mom: From Beefie the Cow of course!

by SqueakyPig17 May 10, 2020