someone who eats bananas.
what, were you expecting a sex definition??
me after eating my 69420th banana: man im such a banana eater
friend: how the fuck have you not died of potassium poisoning
A creepy looking bug that doesn't actually eat mosquitoes. Also known as a crane fly.
Dang, that's a huge skeeter eater!
to mean bitch or butt head but mostly means bitch
A person who consumes their food in a circular fashion only eating one thing at a time.
Dude, seriously don't be a round eater, it all ends up in your stomach anyway.
Someone who eats up all your crud. Typically, the crud that comes out of girls mouths.
A person who believes all the crud that someone says. AKA a complete duster of a person who blazes. An absolute mockery.
Also, a crud eater will often be told to cut the crud.
"Sup you crud eaters?"
"Cut the crud"
"You're being a crud eater."
One who preforms oral sex on a female.
Oh my god Johnny showed me his eater outerer inside of him.
(Derogatory) A person from Brazil
Oi, that Naldo is a proper Mud Eater. innit.