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Fancy Nigga

A rich nigga usually named Ken but also known as Kencito... doesn't trust poor people so usually keeps them close so he'll know their every move.

Shit why is Amanda always hating on that fancy nigga Kencito.

by Anyandeverybody June 15, 2017

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Fancy Fuck

(v.) To fuck in a fancy manner. For example, fucking to classical music, fucking while wearing a black tie or a tuxedo shirt, fucking while drinking champagne, or fucking while watching any Charlie Chaplin movie.

Bitch: That museum was quite exhilirating.
Entrepeneur of the Female Heart (aka Pimp): Tots bro. Especially when we fancy fucked all over Auguste Rodin's classy sculpture, the Thinker.

by FancyFuckers8====D August 2, 2011

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Fancy Fart

Vaginal farts that happen without any effort. This is a british slang.

Scene 1: About to have sex
(Girl spreading legs open)
(Noise of fart occurs)
Boyfriend (or girlfriend): What the hell was that?
Girlfriend: Oh that was just my fancy fart.

by Jawade1367 January 30, 2011

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Fancy Drink

A Fancy Drink is one which contains the lethal mix of hard liquor and a substance known as GHB. The mix is originally used to subdue rape victims but when used in smaller dosages becames the ultimate party cocktail.The term was first coined in the city of MontrΓ©al by the club kids to refer to this smaller dosage used in raves and sex parties.

Spipi: Would you like a Drink?
Ben: Is it a Fancy Drink?
Spipi: You wish! Just got vodka bro!

by Special K-man February 23, 2007

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fancy nancy

An annoying cunt on Disney Junior that originated from a book. She is a terrible influence on children and a disgrace to French people.

Mikayla: Did you hear they were cancelling Caillou?

Shannon: Are you fucking serious? They should cancel that bitch Fancy Nancy! All she does is speak French and bully her little sister!

James: Wait, her sister is a girl?

by drakethepoet February 11, 2021

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Holding a fancy

To sip or drink fine wine out of an elegant cup or glass.

Bob: "Yo man, let's smoke this bogie."
Bill: "Not while you're holding a fancy!"

Shaniqua: "Damn girl, you are working it holdin' that fancy!"

Laquisha: "Will ya hold my fancy while I take a whiz?"

by Fancy Holder February 6, 2011

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Fancy Schmancy

a high brow word for a comman item:

pate = chopped liver

by Paul Marion January 29, 2004

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