When you shit and jizz under someone’s mattress topper and then put the mattress topper back and wait for them to realize that they fell asleep in shit.
“Yea I left her place at 10 but before I left I left a fluffer nutter on her bed.”
A topic that, when blogged about, generates a large number of comments.
"Anna Nicole Smith is a proven blog fluffer."
A person employed in the pornographic spider industry to keep the spiders aroused
My coworker is a real spider fluffer
n. One who "fluffs" on movie sets in the Castro
"Hardy, don't forget to stop at Cliff's and pick up some lube on the way to the daily grind of being a Castro Fluffer."
awesomely sarcastic and brilliantly creative with a side of twatastic
"that sparkle fluffer can really cut a bitch down!"
He/She who holds stick to fluff fire
Big rugby man holds big wooden stick in big wooden chair around a fire and is designated as the fire fluffer.
NOUN - (usually as a female) one who dances around barefooted in Show Low Pines, with earphones in.
Tammy is a wild child...a skirt-fluffer!