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Home Gnome

Someone who rarely, if ever, leaves his or her house. In this person's mind, his or her house is so decked out that there is no reason to go anywhere else. Home gnomes are annoying because they never want to meet up with you when you're out, instead opting to invite you to their house and making you drive the whole distance to them every time.

Person A: Dude, let's hang out.
Person B: Sure. You wanna come over to my place?
Person A: How about we meet at the bar instead?
Person B: Nah, I really don't feel like going out. We could order some pizza here & I have a six-pack in my fridge.
Person A: Bitch, you're such a friggin' home gnome.

by dumbwizard January 20, 2011

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The more elite form of Sea-Gnome.

You feel a sharp stabbing pain while in the water. You look down and exclaim "Argh, a sea gnome!" Your- in all likelihood unstabbed- friend should then procede to point out "No man, see the oxygen tank? That's a Hydro-Gnome."

by Mr "Sarcastic" February 20, 2011

Kinky Gnome

A gnome that wears fishnets and can give a solid BJ for a quarter.

Damn.. those kinky gnomes are at it again..

by TheFlunkMasterOG May 26, 2018

Crispy gnome

A proper noun, derived from English usually used as a nickname or insult, TRIGGER WARNING, few people survive Crispy Gnome trigger attacks.

Dammit, why'd you steal my pencil you crispy gnome, *Sudden screaming*

by Goat freedom January 17, 2017

gnickle gnomes

The people that come in the middle of the night and take away you beer bottles and cans.

Dammit!!! The Gnickle Gnomes came again last night and left the trash strewn everywhere!

by Adelcambre February 18, 2008

evil gnome

Small human capable of evil and cruelty

Jeremy, the evil gnome duct taping his brother to a tree in the orange grove and pelting him with oranges or Jeremy hiding in the orange groves and stalking and pelting his brothers from the tree tops until they run home crying.

by Prdirish April 3, 2008

code gnome

A computer programmer who skillfully crafts code at all hours, obsessing over details, while seldom leaving his or her cave. A code gnome would rather code than sleep.

Bob (after work at the bar): Have you seen Linus here anywhere?
Sue: When I left the office he was still writing code.
Bob: Man, that guy writes great code, but he never leaves his desk. What a code gnome!

by Gnome Loomski October 31, 2018