A fart characterised by an extraordinary long low growl when releasing gas from the rectum. The name derives from the creators of such farts, grumpy old men. also because the fart seems to mimic the sound of a grumpy old man.
Buuuuurrrrttt! Fuck i just left a mean mr. Grumpy
A really big dump, that may or may not be currently slamming against your rectum.
Hey guys, I'd love to help you, but I've got one hell of a grumpy customer right now. It requires my full attention.
A rash formed on your gooch from over working a worn out, sweaty gooch.
Damn Bailey I have a grumpy gooch today.
A person who is annoyed by serious stuff, spamming the word "STOP", "WHAT", or something goes along the line.
person: "Somebody has stolen your video for an ad!"
A GB (Grumpy Biscuit): "STOP!"
person #2: "Stop being so obnoxious, you grumpy biscuit."
a grumpy gabe is a person who is always upset and always wants to ruin other people's days
Person 1: wow that girl is so cute
Person 2: um don't you have a boyfriend
Person 1: don't be such a grumpy gabe