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Halo 3

1. A game played by men for hours on end
2. A game played by men for hours on end when drunk
3. A game played by ditzy and/or drunk girls trying to flirt with the guys around them
4. A game that if played well by a girl indicates she is either really cool or a lesbian

1. Not much man, just played Halo 3 for like six hours
2. Fuck man, all I remember is that I played Halo 3 for fucking like 6 hours
3. Omygosh, Halo 3! Can I like plaaaaaaaay?
4. Dude, Charissa is fuckin baller at Halo 3. I hope she's just tight and not a lesbo.

by calledupandcametome October 8, 2007

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Halo teabagging

When a person kills another player on halo 1,2,and 3, and uses the players dead corpse
to virtually rub their players balls on.

Dude, after my killing spree, i was on a "Halo Teabagging" spree!

by Tony Hines January 20, 2009

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Halo mouth

When you scream obseneties at your friends and people you actually like while playing Halo 1, 2, or 3.

Dude! You are a screen looking-overshielding mother F&*ing Bastard!.... Wow, you have such a halo mouth.

by Halobabe7 October 2, 2007

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Halo 6

Another, shorter name for Halo: Infinite.

Halo 6 is coming out this year, In 2021.

by yeltsA kciR May 25, 2021

Halo Herpes

When a player joins your game and you start doing bad. They are your Halo Herpes....

When Unknown joins my game I always start doing bad, He is my Halo Herpes.

by PretyPinkTurtle December 24, 2010

halo drunk

The level of drunkenness where you actually play Halo better than you would sober.

A rare, but gratifying level of drunk.

Bob: How did you beat me? You can barely ever get over 10 kills!
Steve: I'm Halo drunk bitch.

by bananananafuckyeahhhh May 20, 2011

Halo Fanboy

An individual who would make love to master chief if he existed (outside of their hearts) and will defend Halo for as long as the series continues. Pointless to argue or debate with as they will talk over you and feed you B.S

"You know Halo was only popular because it was the first fps on a console right ?"


"shutup fanboy"

by Supermicklovin October 13, 2012

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