What remains of Hogarth Hughes' name on his BB gun from The Iron Giant.
"Hogarth? What an embarrassing name. Might as well call him Zeppo or something. What kind of a sick person would name a kid Hogar-..."Hog Hug". Hog Hug!? Hogarth Hughes!"
A deep exhale of satisfaction after receiving a hug that is extremely tight.
Person 1: Hey you wanna hug?
Person 2: Yeah!
(Extremely tight hug--release)
Person 2: OOOHHAHHH... (exhale)
Person 1: I just gave you a hug-gasm!
A hug between two naked people.
Ashley and Rogger laid in bed together naked and gave each other a bare hug.
An unwarranted hug that lasts beyond 3 seconds that leaves the receiving party uncomfortable.
“Hey did you hear Tony was sent to HR. Oh no, what happened? He gave Gail a Bad Hug when she declined his meeting invite.”
When a man puts his foreskin around another mans shaft
Jerry slug hugged me last night
To jack off, masturbate, jerk it, choke the chicken, jack the johnson
Dude 1: That bitch gave me blue balls. I m gonna have to hug the hedgehog
Dude 2: thats something i did not need to know
A puddle of unborn children
She asked him politely to switch sleeping places so sbe wouldn't have to.lay on the hug puddle.