ultimate boredom at its finest.
hmm qazqaz wsxwsx edcedc rfvrfv tgbtgb yhnyhn ujmujm ik ol p
It's a danish term used when a person thinks too much.
A longer version is "ik tænk på det" which is used to tell a person that he really thinks too much.
Person 1: Why can't a cow fly?
Person 2: Ik tænk
A belgian saying used to express u dont know something.
joran: How late is it?
Sigma: moe ik da rieke kkr dikzak
Duck: you know, iv got a lot of thinikgs (thin-ik-ings) on my mind.
Alex: Whats that mean?
duck: everything.
You are now the Master of Boredom, You wrote the QWERT keyboard combo diagonally and repeated it again with the shift button on. You've already grown young one, now, it's time to find more combos, I wish you great luck and strength.
Me: So you're bored?
You: Yeah, what should I do, I've already done all the QWERT combos
Me: There is more young one, try this one: "1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik9ol0p!QAZ@WSX#EDC$RFV%TGB^YHN&UJM*IK<(OL>)P:?_{"+}|"
You: Okay I'll try
Me: Good luck young one!
A term that references Ike’s straightforward gameplan in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Used to describe an overly simple or very ordinary individual.
“I did meet Robert last night, yeah. Must say, he wasn’t all that interesting.”
“True. Suffers from a little Poor Man Ike Syndrome.”