Having sexual relations somewhere deemed illegal by police.
Mike was caught taking it up the butt at the public park. He was charged with illegal motion in his backfield.
When something is legal and is turn in the opposite.
Why do they legalize rolling paper and blunt but illegalize weed.
A person who does the same thing the government does and get prosecuted for it .
The government lock us up for doing the same thing they do we just a bunch of illegal mascots at the end of the day.
When some things feel as if it could get quite physical
This is just quite illegal beagles
A type of meme where it shows videos of kittens with the caption, “This cat is named How to Make <illegal/suspicious item/substance>, search their name on Google to find more cute photos!” It is usually found funny due to the question, “Would someone really fall for this?”
“Hey, Skylar, look at this cat,” Milo told him before he showed Skylar an image of a cute kitten.
“Wow, that is a really cute cat,” Skylar responded.
“Yeah, its name is How to Obtain Plutonium 239, look it up and you’ll find more photos,” replied Milo.
(Milo was saying a specific version of the meme, “This cat is named How to Make <illegal/suspicious item/substance> look their name up to find cute pictures!”)
Any individual who enters a country unlawfully, and with the intent on further violating that country's laws or violence against that country's citizens or revolts against civil authority or an established governments laws.
That Illegal immigrant Insurgent entered the country not to work or seek asylum but to revolt against civil authority and commit crimes
The act of sticking both your pointer fingers in your partners vagina and butthole touching the wall inbetween
Me: My girl let me hit the illegal penpal last night
Friend: Dude that’s fucking gross