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Edwards County Illinois

Its a county in Southern Illinois full of a bunch or Rednecks, Drunks, Fags, Hillbilly's, Meth heads, Pot heads and wana be gangsters. (wiggers) Go to Edwards County if you want to become part of this shitty civilization.

Edwards County Illinois

by themanbehindthetxt June 2, 2011

Illinois slurpee

When someone cum’s in someone’s ass and slurps it up with a slurpee straw

Dude I just gave this bitch an Illinois slurpee

by Lil cum guzzler April 26, 2024

Byron, Illinois


Man 1: what is Byron, Illinois?
Man 2: it is a town in Illinois.

by Don'tsueIactuallylikebyron March 31, 2020

Illinois dumpsterfire

When you slather your penis in gasoline, light it on fire, insert it in your girlfriend, and she farts creating an asstastic explosion.

My girlfriend got hospitalized for third degree burns on her ass after we did the Illinois Dumpsterfire.

by I guess I exist I dont know June 16, 2023

robinson illinois

A stupid town with an stupid oil company that constantly makes noise, has crappy schools and, a lot of retards

Man i hate robinson illinoies that town has nothing in it.

I hope robinson illinois gets bombed in ww3

by Lird zapor February 27, 2022


The saddest place you will ever visit. All there is is Fun City and Chicago. If you ever go to Illinois you might as well go to Missouri because Illinois sucks!

“I’m going to illinois for vacation
“I feel bad

by Opposum2020 January 30, 2020

University of Illinois at Chicago

A big university in Chicago that's extremely boring. A majority of students are commuters and therefore clubs are mostly dead and parties are virtually nonexistent, a stark difference from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The campus is well known for the ugly architecture and confusing to navigate buildings. It has also earned the nickname University Impossible to Complete because of its low 62% 6 year graduation rate.

I did not get accepted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign so I attended University of Illinois at Chicago, it really sucks here

by Billiam Beaver April 6, 2023