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A room that is filled to the top with an alcoholic beverage, with the exception of a keg full of air in the middle of the room.

Frat Guy 1: Should we get a keg for the party?
Frat Guy 2: Let's get an anti-keg instead.
Frat Guy 1: Bro

by Pizzasmash January 23, 2018

Columbian Powder Keg

When you put cocaine in someone's asshole and wait for them to fart a coke-cloud. Once the cloud has formed, you snort as much cocaine as you can/want.

Eric: Hey you wanna do a Columbian Powder Keg with me?
john: Sure, whos gonna be the cannon first?

by Falling Elements January 23, 2018

keg spray

Getting peed on by multiple people at once for sexual gratification.

Man, my girlfriend and some pf her friends keg sprayed me last night. It was awesome!

by yah_mama June 7, 2021


The act of opening the anal cavity to allow a group of 10+ strangers to urinate, deficate & ejaculate into the ‘arse keg’. The ‘arse keg brew’ is then allowed 10 minutes to settle, before being serving to the group of participating strangers to sip and enjoy through a straw.

“Hey have you seen Daisy?”
“Yeah, she’s in the corner being the Arse-Keg’”

“Hey, are you down to party tonight?!?”

Damn right, I wouldn’t miss an arse keg party!”

by ArseGerbil December 20, 2017