The learned skill of fishing kittens from under your couch, bed, or any other awkward place they may adventure to by dragging any rope like object near it and slowly pulling it away.
I tried to convince my kitty to come out from under the couch for two hours last night, finally my girlfriend grabbed my shoe lace threw it under the couch and slowly began kitty fishing.. low and behold at the other end of the lace we found my kitty hanging on by his teeth.
Angry emo girl that radiates electrical currents of self hate and depression and screams it at you when they don’t get there way. Also identifies as a Furry
Look out Hoss here comes a thunder kitty.
(noun.) Someone who is having an awesome time on Ketamine and then fkn ruins it by sitting down and passing out.
You see Matt passed out over there? What a Sitty Kitty
Captain kitty refers to a homosexual pussy magnet. Pulls the snatch with ease and finesse. Makes all the bros jelly.
Typically accompanied by a hoss cat with suave.
See: "Kyle"
"DAMN Kyle is the ultimate Captain Kitty, we don't have a chance".
A fiendishly, coked-out, high-strong-out, i-pod like kitten which supposedly sleeps for like 10 minutes and is charged for the rest of the day to have long durations of terrorizing, biting, scratching, defiling of furniture, and other various objects alive or not big or small of which it could get its little sharp paws on to. While appearing to be cute and innocent looking and to other who are not its original owners acts very nice and docile when the doors are closed, cameras are off, the shades and lights are down all hell breaks loose...Skin will tear shouts will ring in the air and there will be all kinds of FUBAR!
"Oh damn! your vampire kitty is at it again sucking souls and draining holes"
"that cat is seriously coked out on something or he's one helluva vampire kitty"
"He bit the hell outta me I think I'm bleeding friggin Vampire kitty"
"Awww it's a monster I tell you a monster friggin vampire kitty why can't I just pet him without him biting me"
Kitty Vicki is a YouTuber who is slowly getting more popular . She posts roblox and challenge videos mostly . She has an amazing sense of humour and I suggest that you subscribe or at lease check her out
When you pour whip cream caramel hot fudge and put a cherry on top of a vagina then eat it out
Last Night I had a kitty sunday but I cant get that whip creeam/cum taste out of my mouth