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poss. to send a hit out on somebody, mark for death.

"dude's talking shit, it's time to send a knife order on that fool"

by d.r. April 23, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

steak knifing

When some one attempts to shave their pubic hair without properly "pre shaving" (i.e. trim, shaving cream, etc.) resulting in a bad rash - just like if you try shaving with a steak knife.

"Ross was steak knifing and got a terrible rash"

by Bill McGlone June 3, 2007

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prison knife

a knife made of medal, glass, rock, ect. normaly by prisoners in prison.

prisoner1: yo did you hear about bill.

prisoner2: ya bob killed him with a prison knife.

prisoner1: sad.

prisoner2: ya.

prisoner1: he had kids.

prisoner2: didn't you know that's how he got here he killed them.

prisoner1: oh no I droped my soap.

by josh 1 January 19, 2012

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hobo knife

a special knife used by hoboes to shank innocent victims......

nothing beats
the hobo life
stabbin' people
with my hobo knife

by The one and only DICKMAN October 6, 2004

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Knife fetish

When someone becomes TURNED ON by knives, such as plastic knives, metal knives, 1000 degree knives and etc.

Person 1: "Hey want to cut the pizza?"
Person 2: "Oh hell yea. *Winks*"
Person 1: "Thanks."
Person 2: *Brings knife to room, chops dick off* ;)
Person 1: "Do you have a KNIFE FETISH?"
Person 2: "Mmm."

by Pie = Pie = Eggs = Idk January 11, 2018

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Hunting Knife

A penis, often in an erect state.

"The young huntsman unsheathed his hunting knife and placed it against the butcher's steel, ready to be sharpened."

by Kip Stevens December 17, 2003

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Spin The Knife

A game which suicidle indiviuals partake in. A group of 5 or 6 or so sit in a circle around a pocket knife. They spin the knife and who ever the blade lands on has to place one slit on his/er wrist. It just keeps going until a person dies; the first person to die is a winner. It continues until one person is left. The last person writes down the order in which the people dies; first to last(including himself). Then fall on the blade and waits to to die. Corbin G. was the founder of this game and was a great teenage who lost his life to the game. This is for imformational purposes only; don't play at home.

Dude im sick of life
you can join me and some friends in a game of spin the knife
I'm in bro

by thegodfather21 January 27, 2011

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