Foggy headed.
Inability to think.
Brain dead.
Out of sorts.
Without thought.
"I don't know bro. Give me a minute to think about it. I woke up lame brained. I had a long night ."
"What's taking you soo to answer my question? It's not Chinese arithmetic. You need to lay off the spice man. That shit has you lame brained."
When a gay chef plays Minecraft with a giant cleep
Wow that guy is doing Borden lames
"Fucking lames" is mostly used by the hispanic community mostly Chicano, "Fucking lames" is to describe a group of people and how fucking lame they look
nah foo let's not go with them to the Carne Asada, they some fucking lames homie.
One who possesses every single characteristic of a lame...including physical features
Jenn: Hey do you know that guy Ranell?
Starquasha: Girl, yea!
Jenn: He's such a lame-face *eye roll*
Starquasha: You ain't lyin
The time just after highly disputed election night and before the beginning of the lame duck period. When incumbent won’t concede despite losing the election
During the final stages of the election process many have come to expect a lame trump period. before the actual transition of government
the king of the lames himself. Never in the history of man kind has there ever been a lamer dude . EVER . He can be found chincing his hits, and talking shit to his girlfriend or doing what he is best as deflecting all blame and explaining away all responcability for any and everything that is wrong in his life.
Woah man, I ain't never going over there agian D.j is such a power lame ...duh
They are lame. They are anti-socal, they just blurt out outdated memes because they think that’s “cool”, they care what everyone thinks of them, they have almost no real friends, everyone either tells them to screw off or they just ignore them when they try to talk to someone, they are constantly being taken advantage of and getting beaten up because they don’t know how to defend themselves, they always tell on teachers like they are actually going to do something, and they always wonder why the aren't cool.
You don’t have to be a lame kid. Be yourself, not this fake personality that you created. If people don’t like the real you, screw them. :)
You don’t have to be apart of the lame kids.
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