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Vigil main

A bitch who thinks vigil is somehow better than caveira in Rainbow Six Siege. Also spawn peeks all the time and will throw the match if vigil gets banned.

"guys, ban vigil"
vigil main:*proceeds to earrape about how dumb his teammates are for wanting to ban vigil*

by cosmich0220 April 29, 2021

HenryPlayz Main

This is my channel,i am on the road to 200 subs

a little known youtuber
Someone:Why HenryPlayz Main only has 176 subs?

by HenryPlayz Main April 17, 2022

Pikachu Main

Annoying pieces of shit that spam aerials.

That man is a pikachu main

by Hgdfhdhbb April 6, 2019

Drag the Main

1950's slang for cruising through the main street of a city.

Lets go drag the main and pick up some chicks.

by Ampris August 18, 2008

Main Slice

Ones best or closest friend.

Platonic version of "Main Squeeze"

"Sure their all my friends, but Sally is definitely my main slice"

by 214-2215126 January 13, 2015

ana main

a nice girl that is laid back and for once isn't toxic ana mains are the best players in overwatch

omg its an ana main

damn we better get out she's to good

by ana is good shut up October 16, 2019

Hanzo Main

Delusional, you are truly delusional if you play this character and no one else. Please uninstall the app if you main Hanzo, I'm begging you

Me: Are you a "Hanzo Main"?
Someone: yeah
Me: I'm dropkicking you to Brazil

by GayNoodle101 January 10, 2021