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Highland’s Mercy

When the rich kid helps you or becomes your friend.

Recieved some Highland’s Mercy, best day ever to be honest.

by Puffsie<3 November 11, 2022

mercy street

An amazing show centered around a union hostpital during the civil war. This show has amazing drama and ships(JedxMary and EmmaxHenry) Did I also mention it has the best Tumblr fandom???

Did you see the latest episode of Mercy Street last night? It was epic

by Cinnam0nnClouds February 22, 2017


He solos everything. Mercy>King von. Everything he is saying is fax. His wife is Seeys Aunt .He will NEVER miss. Erentard<Mercy.Group leader of the Anime Community.

"Mercy solos ur verse bby"—Mercy

U need to say "Mercy" if ur saying some Fax
Go Follow him on TT: ......mercy

by Seeys Aunt February 14, 2021

Mercy Main

Mercy Main (noun, verb, submissive yet in control, the backbone of your entire team, and you better thank me for it)

Hi, I’m Jade Ann Byrne, and I’m a Mercy Main. That means I’m always behind you, keeping you up, making sure you feel unstoppable— unless you can’t keep up causing I’m going in to the objective hot pistol blazing you all, but don’t get it twisted. I’m in charge here. I’m the temple guardian of the hotspot hardline ; payload and robot

Being a ((b a t t l e )) Mercy Main means I know exactly when to boost, when to heal, and when to leave your reckless ass for dead while blasting that cover fire because I deserve better. It means you think you’re carrying, but deep down, we both know the truth: I’m the one making you look good. POW pow pow

I see everything. I know who’s pulling their weight, who’s feeding, and who’s about to type “heal diff” when they ignored my pings. And guess what? I don’t even play with chat on. Lmao ur crying to the wind. I only got two hands and one is firing my pistol and the other is stroking my pole; I decide who gets saved. So maybe, just maybe, you should show a little appreciation. Slurp them mercy toes.

And if you really want my attention? Try saying ‘Thank you.’ Btw I NEED HEALING

Mercy Main

1. “Oh, you want me to pocket you? Pocket this. I’m a Battle Mercy Main, not your personal healbot. Try and catch up with me. ”
2. “I rezzed Juno instead of the tank. Why? Because I’m a Mercy Main, and I play favorites. Mercys’ always Raises Junos’”
3. “You think you’re carrying? Sweetie, I damage-boosted every kill you got. Know your place. Signed, a Mercy Main.”

by Jade Ann Byrne February 6, 2025

Mercy Main

The person you want in competitive play.

1.Please fucking protect the Mercy Main.
2.Please use Pharah when Mercy Main is here.

by Pharah Main June 21, 2017

merci main

A person, most likely calle Rowan, who only plays merci in the game "Overwatch".

A: Wow look at that player´s career profile
B: I know he´s such a merci main

by AsparagusAA January 30, 2018


1. A nickname for Mercedes-Benz
2. A street name for Clonazepam (Riklona) in Indonesia, since Riklona is manufactured by Mersifarma

I drive a Mercy while i'm high on Mercy

by Sir. B July 29, 2020