Friend zoning someone so that it doesn't hurt the person asking out the guy/girl in the process
"I Mercy-Friendzoned this guy last night because he didn't know what he was getting into with me"
One of the many weapons available to use in the 2015 videogame Bloodborne, the Blades of Mercy are a short sword. When tricking the weapon (for all weapons in Bloodborne hitting the L1 trigger will "trick" them allowing use of a secondary form) it splits into two smaller short swords. When split you do not have access to your left hand weapon however, you do get a expanded move set that allows you to quickly engage and disengage with opponents. It is primarily wielded by Eileen the Crow a hunter of hunters. To purchase the Blades of Mercy you need the Crow Hunter Badge. There are many ways to get the badge. You can kill Eileen at any stage of her quest or complete her quest and kill The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst. Regardless it is a great skill scaling weapon with a quick moveset.
New Bloodborne Player: I'm so excited to beat The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst and get the Blades of Mercy.
Experienced Bloodborne Player: *PTSD intensifies*
When you wake up in the middle of the night with a hard on and you realize your girlfriend is in a deep sleep and so it won't be happening. Therefore you simply mercy roll and stop poking her with your hard on.
Realizing it aint gonna happen in the middle of the night, I mercy rolled over and stopped pocking the wife with my hard on dick.
A word to describe someone who would deem "horny" to others or with close people. People like these are open for anything and are hella gay, or straight, they like anything and anyone.
The word can be used in many ways
"Mercied" can be used to deem a person as a Mercie.
"Mercies" as a group of people.
Person 1 : That person is acting pretty freaky around those people.
Person 2 : Ack. Its just a Mercie, dont worry.
Plastic pails of relief/comfort-materials --- i.e., cleansing-wipes, salve/ointment, bandages, hot-packs, ice-compresses, etc. --- dat bring much-needed solace to people with abrasions, sunburn, tired/achy muscles, sore/irritated skin, etc., and so they will profusely thank you in French for providing said soothing products.
Company nurse, speaking to a worker who's suffering heat-stroke: Want a nice cool wet towel and some milk of magnesia?
Worker: S'il vous plait.
Nurse, administering said welcome relief: Silver plates?!
Worker: Mercy buckets!
Our lady of mercy academy is the only school in the south jersey region that is all girls. The school is characterized by their hypocrisy and their overwhelming need to play TGIF at nearly every event possible. They make poor attempts to educate their students who are already hardly in school to begin with. The faculty is most welcoming but sometimes one must wonder how some of them got teaching degrees in the first place. There’s an over abundance of photos taken on a day to day basis and they will undoubtedly be posted and featuring the worst angles of you imaginable. They’re supposedly linked with St. Augustine prep which can be noticed as the only all boys school on the south jersey region. OLMA travels over there for different sporting events in attempts to “find a prep guy” but will almost always fail. The school can be recognized for their dedication to sports, they have brought home many trophies and titles and have brought their little school up on the divisions. Their cookies are unmatched, and turkey bowl has been by far one of the most popular meals. They go through teachers like an OLMA girl goes through boyfriends. Not a bad school, but not a great one either.
"Oh look, it's the OLMA girls"
"Our lady of mercy academy"
When the rich kid helps you or becomes your friend.
Recieved some Highland’s Mercy, best day ever to be honest.