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mellow, laid back , relaxed

He would go out every morining and mow in the sun.

by Tesivo August 5, 2007


Catty or sarcastic immediate reply that could be considered a rhetorical question

Wht mow?!

by Hercolena Oliver December 30, 2009


When an entity doesn't follow directions given by Lord. Action taken to fix a higher up or any similar. In order to control selfish or incorrect judgement that is maintained

"You used your rein incorrectly MOW! All because unleashing you actually caused the sensation of entrapment and forceful and negligent and too dominant control, plus disregard for freewill. MOW! MOW! MOW!"

by HopeForTheHidden March 19, 2022


The word that a cat says if she does not know how to say Meow, is Mow

Cat 1:meow! WwW
Cat 2:MowUnU
Cat 1: meow! Say it!
Cat 3:she can’t! Stop
Cat 2:MOW!

by Mercurythekittycat February 19, 2020


Made out with

For example

Katherine: omg I just mow Patricia's bf!!!
Sarah: weird flex but ok

by Eatinasschamp December 24, 2018


a good eat noun

This girl named Rose is a mow.

by HoneyNut69 December 1, 2019


make out with

Daaanng that man is fine I'd mow him so hard rn

by Boobies4 July 10, 2017