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10 feet

less than 11 feet but more than 9 feet, a foot being a collection of twelve inches, as measured on a nonmetric ruler

not to be confused with a foot, the appendage at the end of the human leg

some say that the derivative the measurement of a foot comes from measuring the king's foot in olden days, but at some point this had to be simplified, as monarchy was abolished, and measuring human feet was deemed too irregular

The ladder must have been 10 feet tall!

by Maia June 28, 2004

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round feet

What happens to your feet when you drink too much at the Wood-Ridge Inn and you try to walk. The act of having trouble walking after being drunk. Round feet tend to make the bushes to come out onto the sidewalks.

Tom and Alicia had trouble walking home on their round feet.

by Tom Jalinski May 9, 2007

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Wet feet

After a girl has an orgasm the male/female proceeds to stick the big toe in her wet vagina

my wet feet in her vagina

by HIcks dan September 3, 2018

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Mall Feet

Mall Feet is a man's greatest fear. Even Chuck Norris cannot withstand this insurmountable epidemic-like disease. This is the condition in which a person's foot begins to ache with excruciating pain, due to simple physics and logic:

Fa = G*(m1m2)/(d^2) + U^t

Fa = Force of Attraction
G = 6.673 x 10-11 N m2/kg2
m1 = mass of person in kg
m2 = mass of bag(s) in kg
U^t = Unknown other factors such as temperature of mall, duration of carrying bags and etc. that will cause the person to be less willing to carry the bag as time proceeds.

Note: the U value tends to increase exponentially for males in particular as they pay for an item that is NOT theirs, but that of the female companion.

Cures: Like the HIV virus and such, there are no cures--most likely a conspiracy among the female gender...

McNerdy drags Rumor Boy shopping and makes him splurge on her and carry the bags; Rumor Boy suffers from Mall Feet soon thereafter.

by AvengerTSS January 18, 2009

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Drummer Feet

When you listen to a song, (preferably rock) and unitentually tapping your feet to the beat of the music.

Yeah dude, I'm going to make up a word for something that everyone does (like drummer feet)! Therfore, owning the word!

by Wiitarded May 10, 2007

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Slut Feet

Word used to call a slutty girl that cannot walk sexy in high heels, or refer to her feet. Seriously...if you can't walk in them, refrain from wearing them! Geez!

Hunny...learn to walk, you have slut feet.

by Scandalicious (Jo-Dee) May 1, 2003

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feet job

When you put your dick in between a woman's feet and she starts moving her feet up and down your cock

Your mom gave me the best feet job ever

by Foot jobs December 16, 2016

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