Brayden Toadd's are very sensitive and aren't usually the most manly of the relationships. Though they are very funny and I guess loyal. These hoes always jump to conclusions and think too much about things but are the most caring and goofy friends. They are very obsessed with people they like but sometimes that's a good thing. You must keep these safe at all costs as you'll never find somebody else like these bitchesssss. They usually only care about one thing and make decisions that coordinate to that thing no matter the consequences or circumstances. Brayden Todde's are the best to find memes and laugh at videos with but their emotions usually switch too fast. They try their best and are lowkey guys
Brayden Todde: Keep Brayden Todd's at all costs kamri, they actually love you no kidding!
Sebastian Todd is the definition of cute
Like a soft lil bunny aka babyboy
"Omg that dog is such a Sebastian Todd"
Guy#1: who's that dude over there?
Guy#2: Oh him? Yeah, he's Captain Todd. Haven't you heard about him?
Hi- Todd is a very special greeting from Todd. Only the most Chadful people get this hi from Todd. Who is Todd? How did they get their friends phone? Some things will never be answered
"Hi -Todd"
"what are you doing in my hou-"
Athletico Whams’ best striker to ever live
I really wish we would sign Billy Todd, hes fucking ruthless
A big lipped homo that thinks he’s gonna be a supervisor someday
Supervisor Todd keeps checking what I do.