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Glock 7

A handgun popularized by the movie "Die Hard 2: Die Harder". Made in Germany, this firearm is constructed entirely of porcelain, is capable of passing through airport metal detectors completely unnoticed. The only downside to this amazing weapon is the price, which is quite expensive. The real MSRP is unknown, but experts say that they cost more than the Dulles International Airport Police Chief makes in a month.

This is not to be confused with the Austrian made 9mm Glock 17, or any other Glock handgun, which are constructed of both steel and polymer, and would quite easily set off an airport metal detector. Retail price on any other Glock firearm is most likely much less than what the Dulles International Airport Police Chief makes in a month. Most Glocks range in price from $400-$600 USD.

No, the "Glock 7" doesn't really exist. I would advise against going into your local sporting goods store and trying to order one. Unless, of course, you enjoy being thoroughly and relentlessly made fun of.

"That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me, you know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It doesn't show up on your airport metal detectors and probably costs more than what you make in a month."

by Convert October 6, 2007

793πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

March 7

The baddest bitch ever!!! All the guys all over this girl! If you were born this day then you will have a lifetime of happiness and sexy ass bitches!!

Dude, I think Lucy was born on March 7
No wonder she’s hot!

by Tehe21107 October 21, 2019

130πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A niche meme found on a chilean shitposting instagram meme account, @weaposting.
the admin of this account is fan of a chilean soccer team called "Rangers de Talca", there was a game where they lost 7-1. Every post since then has been flooded with "7-1" and other versions, like "7 matches 1 lost", it's a bit more creative depending on the context of the post.

7 cars 1 race
7 likes 1 post
7 views 1 meme

by TioSanic June 17, 2021

67πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Dec. 7

December 7: this is a day to yell out or tell your crush that you love them or tell your boyfriend/ girlfriend that they are the handsomest/ prettiest person that they know

Girl- Everyone, I am in love with Shawn Mendez!!!
Class- huh? Why’d you yell that out?
Girl- It’s Dec. 7!!!!

by Dec 5 November 7, 2019

54πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

note 7

A litteral fucking bomb that will fucking never stop blowing up

"Ayo you got a note 7? its a fucking bomb"

by plsdontdie March 17, 2021

7 Mile

A street in Detroit that is 1 Mile South of 8 Mile. This is one of the hardest streets in Detroit. Legends like Blade Ice Wood, 7 The General, G-rock, Juan and other legends have been bred from this street. It's common to see a 745 on 22' Ashnai's parked at a car wash, its common to see Range Rovers at coney islands. Its common to bentley's bmw's, mauraders, trailblazer ss, srt8 chargers and magnums as well.

LAME: Them some icey ass buffs you got on, were you from fam?

ME: 7 Mile Nigga

LAME: Dam dawg I respect that.

by work on deck April 3, 2011

166πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

december 7

official crackhead birth day only crackheads are born on this day.

Guy 1: Wow that guy is a crackhead.

Guy 2: He must of been born on official crackhead day
Guy 1: What day?
Guy 2: December 7th

by certifiedalien October 16, 2019

159πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž