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A more precise form of trolling: slinging shit about a something on a forum/website/etc where there is guaranteed to be an exceptionally high volume of targets, ensuring maximum lulz.

Lulz-farming troll (on Twilight forum): "RPatz leaked Midnight Sun."
Over 9000 Twitards: "BAWWWW"

by Auriga August 22, 2009

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link farms

link farms are web pages that either have many links to crap or links to other links to other links. Link farms are a passive form of spam, and usually contain a search phrase that you've entered into a search engine but have no actual content.

I did a search for "free games" and generated a ton of page hits to link farms.

by Sly_Foot March 10, 2006

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tard farm

Special Education class, state school facilitating retarded kids.

Man Danny's kids are gonna need to be put in a tard farm.

by bastard May 23, 2003

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Crab Farm

1.Breeding ground for crabs. (see pubic nit). See also Crab Ranch.

1.Dont ever go near anyone with a crab farm in their undies.

by John Barry November 21, 2004

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phat farm

Phat Farm

It is a clothing brand, est. in 1992. Phat Farm is a clothing lined aimed towards ppl in with the Hip-hop shit. Somewhat expensive to.

That dude has a nice Phat Farm shirt!

I would like to buy some Phat Farm shoes!

by Paul October 2, 2003

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Cunt Farm or "C" Farm

A group of female USDA employees on a girls night out after work. Considered obnoxious to bar staff due to their being very bad tippers and demanding customers. Usually spend the evening talking about meat inspection, which talk is frequently misinterpreted by men at the bar, whose advances are rejected only after they've bought drinks for the women. They also arouse resentment from other patrons, due to their constant bragging about all the federal holidays they get off, and because they smell like hay.

Those women who just left, the ones who left no tip and requested all that John Cougar Mellencamp at the jukebox, are known around here as the Cunt Farm or "C" Farm.

Cunt Farm Aid Willie Nelson

by The Fourth Man in the Tub February 22, 2011

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Gay Farming

A form of farming performed by homosexuals which entails clogging up a toilet at a gay bar with toilet paper, waiting for another male to come in and take a shit into the clogged toilet, then retrieving the shitstick, wrapping it in a condom, freezing it, and using the frozen piece of shit as a fetish object/masturbation aid.

I caught some guy gay farming in the last stall, you should kick him out.

by Tyhou January 13, 2010

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