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floor cherry

Your first time getting fucked on the floor of a dirty bathroom.

“We were at a Trump rally last night and had my first floor cherry in the bathroom.”

by Valickulher July 14, 2020

Floor licker

One who is of an outcast of the social world; who with no friends.

Man, that guy was such a floor licker.

by wakytaco12 May 17, 2016

sticky floor

When you’re too lazy to use a paper towel or toilet paper during self pleasure, so your cum ends up on the floor

Person 1: Ew, what is that that I just stepped on?! Why is the floor sticky?! ( sticky floor)
Person 2: ....

by squim December 7, 2021

Floor Wife

A married woman that is so madly in love that she will sleep on the floor with her husband.

Anthony is so hot, I would love to be his floor wife.

by BaumTraumSchaumSaumKaumRaum July 18, 2023

slippy floor

When she gives you a blowjob but instead of swallowing it, she spits it out on the floor

Swallow! Dont give me a slippy floor girl!

by WhyNetflix August 19, 2015

floor gang

Pewdiepie said this in a video once referring to his setup in the video being on the floor. It is now a running gag between Pewdiepie fans.

Ceiling gang” is the opposite of floor gang, that phrase was coined by r/pewdiepiesubmissions. It is now also a running gag, and ceiling gang and floor gang have been at war since

Floor gang anyone?

by nlolhere July 13, 2020

Hardwood Flooring

Verb: Hardwood Flooring is the act of displaying one's large thick rock hard blood-engorged penis in such a manner that the viewer, usually female, is totally awestruck, or "floored". Hardwood Flooring can be used to jumpstart a relationship, or to entice said viewer to engage the "hard wood" with either the mouth, vagina, or sometimes anus.

"Man, that bitch at the party was cold as ice, paying no attention to anyone, then a dude got her attention with some Hardwood Flooring. That changed her little tune, alright."

"I had no idea that Lawrence was gay. I mean, I really don't care, but when I saw his response to Hardwood Flooring I was really surprised."

by That Dude That Knows August 27, 2020