A middle aged man who screams about things on he finds funny. Can be found only in America
Oh look a purple peacock lets shoot it
When a singer worries more about their appearance and randomly throws their voice around with no purpose to show off. They worry less about how well their songs, even lyrics are written. A lot of time the music is simple, but they're extra.
Beyoncé sits on the edge of the stage Vocalist Peacocking, holding her "high notes" randomly to spice up the crowd, but her music lacks depth in lyrics, repetitive, and lack well written-in instruments that actually go somewhere instead of holding the same beat. Her outfit is sparkly and her voice is doing stuff though.
To focus more on the appearance than the depth. Music is repetitive, lacks true feeling within the lyrics.
Their outfits are incredibly showy and especially eccentric. They throw their voice and hold notes for no reason as the crowd cheers like it's an amazing feat.
Look at Beyoncé Vocalist Peacocking on the edge of the stage in her sparkly blue dress and yelling at people.
The skinniest sizzler around, may be addicted to beer but we love her so 💜
“Stream ‘while it lasted’ by DAISY PEACOCK now”
The most rizzmass sigma Ohio gyat rizzler giga chat skibidi mullet musician.
“Stream while it lasted by Daisy Peacock on all platforms now!!” 💜
The first rule of peacocking is : don't tell the audience what it already knows.
This 'rule' refers to a maxim in social science literature that a person/thing trying to show status should not be repetitive / redundant and give the audience what they already know would happen.
John just violated the First Rule of Peacocking when giving his acceptance speech! he acted like no one knew why they were all there when he told them again about his achievements.
A sexy man(Boy) from coatbridge Townhead in Scotland
Hi Matthew Peacock you are so sexy!!! Will you go out with me